Cition Capital is a Cayman Island-based hedge fund with multiple portfolios covering opportunities from a wide range of asset classes, including digital assets, equities, private equity, alternative fixed assets and real estate.

ourstanding results demand outstanding approaches

ourstanding results demand outstanding approaches

Most investment managers in the financial industry do not outperform their benchmark sustainably, let alone the market as a whole. Moreover, investment managers tend to have a high correlation not just to the markets, but to each other, offering limited diversification in a portfolio aiming to spread its risk.

A big contributor to similar returns is the fact, that most participants follow the same investment universe, look at similar criteria for choosing investments, they watch the same data, follow the same news and act upon it in similar ways at similar times.

People who think alike, achieve similar returns. Outstanding results, demand outstanding approaches!


Get experts, fresh minds, passionate “outside of the box thinkers”
Give them space to perform
Let them deliver
Align interests and pay them on performance


we find opportunities where others do not

we find opportunities where others do not

Cition takes a very different approach. Cition aims to complement investor portfolios with truly alternative investments!

Cition looks for experts, fresh minds, passionate “outside the box thinkers”,who find opportunities, where few others do. These managers often come from the technology space, have successfully gone their own ways in technical trading or left large institutions, in which their approaches could not be implemented inthe standard product framework.

Cition offers these managers a partnership, in which they are given space to perform and receive all necessary support to deliver their best results. Managers, traders, as well as Cition keep all running fees at a bare minimum and align their interests with the investors by being rewarded only when the investor achieves performance.

solidifying portfolios

solidifying portfolios

Diversification and adding performance generators to the portfolio is more important than ever. Political risks remain very prominent and frequently send Jitters through the market

  • Russia / Ukraine war will continue for a long period and will destabilize Europe further. The BRICS will separate themselves further from the West which will lead to even more instability and economic problems, more volatility on the FX and Stock market.
  • Interest rates stabilizing or go up?
  • Economic slow-down beginning of recession or do we see recovery?
  • Technological change is disrupting business models and entire industries, whose future is heavily challenged. Commerce, automotive and energy sectors are just afew examples.
  • Is market volatility to rise?
  • Will political tensions decrease or increase?

Based on these developments, what are your expectations for the future?

  • Are stock markets likely to continue momentum over the next 5 years?
  • Will the highest returns be achievable in the public stock markets or in cutting edge technology companies, yet to be listed on the public markets?
  • Are your portfolios well positioned for those developments?

cition axe

cition axe

The AXE fund mixes two strategies to add an absolute return component to your portfolio. The fund invests up to 30% in cutting edge data centers, which can be used for data mining, complex computations, web and cloud hosting. This market is not just a growing market, but one, where high margins can be achieved. By making use of revolutionary new hardware, proprietary software and ultraefficient cooling solutions; Both output as well as energy efficiency are improved drastically.

The second strategy at play is a technical currency, commodity & index strategy, based on the analysis of supply and demand imbalances of large financial institutions, which the strategy uses to position alongside the institutions, harnessing upside, while keeping the downside risk limited and protected.

cition corvuss

cition corvuss

The Corvuss Fund provides the first opportunity to invest in opportunities arising in the global education industry. The fund aims to invest in the most profitable niches, while providing capital to companies with proven business models, the highest educational offerings and the best chances to scale and return high profits for investors.

The fund seeks opportunities in private debt and private equity transactions with expected Returns on Investment of 10% p.a. and more, with laid out growth plans and exit opportunities within 4 to 10 years.

Investing in education is a megatrend and one which directly correlated with rising living standards and the ever-growing need for highly qualified professionals. There are two subsectors which grow at an even higher rate. One is the sector for premium sports education facilities, where students in their most crucial age for their sportive career
receive intense and professional training as well as high standard international education in order to prepare them to join elite universities, for both their sporting and educational advancements. The second subsector is private international schooling, providing one of the highest standards in education, which is experiencing extraordinarily high demand and growth especially in Asia and the Middle East, where families who can afford it go out of their way to provide it for their children. In a world of ever more digitalization and automation, knowledge and hence education are the most valuable asset and demand for high quality education will continue to rise at rapid rates.

Education, especially high standard education is a high margin business, while it is very scalable, especially when applying technology to teaching and administrating.



The strategy seeks to optimize the performance of value stock portfolios by taking stock market volatility (implicit volatility) into account when constructing the portfolio. The underlying stocks of the portfolio are value large cap or blue chip stocks, which are highly profitable, have positive free cashflows, have share buyback programs and reasonable valuations.

Amongst the companies on the shortlist are: Berkshire Hathaway, Alphabet, Amazon, O’Reilly Automotive, Microsoft, JP Morgan, Oracle, Goldman Sachs, Meta, Blackrock, Walmart, Nestle, McDonalds, Intercontinental Exchange, Nike, SAP, Accenture, American Express, Adidas, Munich Re, Johnson & Johnson, Target.

A portfolio of such stocks has a very high probability of generating a positive return over the mid to long-run. However, these stocks fluctuate and this fluctuation can be used to generate additional return. If a stock breaks out on the positive side and if the implied volatility is attractive calls can be sold on a portion of the position, meaning the stock will be sold, if it rises further, over the chosen strike price. A premium is earned for that. If the stock is sold and the stock price falls again, a put can be sold, to buy the stock back, if the price falls below the strike. Again, a premium is earned. Also, if a cycle like this occurs the stock is sold high and bought low, so more return was generated than just having held the stock the entire time.




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Regulatory License

CITION CAPITAL SPC Registration Number: 1545154
IRS GIIN: RESE5Z-99999-SL-136